Installing WordPress with Softaculous If you would like to get started but don’t have an account you can sign up for one at WebHostNepal Client Area. We provide Softaculous option designed to make it very easy to install third party scripts to your hosting account. If you want your website to have a WordPress blog, ..
Category : Web Hosting
The public_html directory is the folder to place in web readable files. Files placed below the public_html folder will not be visible on the web. The www folder is what is called a symlink. This points to the public_html folder and generally is used as a shorthand is cgi scripts for the path. Instead of ..
The 500 internal server error runs on every page of your site when there’s a problem with the server or file system that’s powering your site. The cause most likely occurs in the root directory, where your WordPress files are, but it can also be caused by a problem on your host’s server. Common Solutions ..
By default, when you use the File Manager in cPanel, it doesn’t show hidden files. Hidden files are any file that begins with a dot, such as .htaccess. .htaccess is a common file to edit, so to edit the file using your File Manager, you’ll need to have the option selected to show hidden files. Step 1. Log in ..
some of us choose to have our own complete backup that consists of our files, database, emails and settings as starting from scratch might be troublesome if your website got messed up without a backup. learn how to generate your personal complete cPanel backup and download it to your local computer. Please be guided through the instructions underneath. Step 1. Login to your cPanel account ( Step 2. Click on “Backup Wizard” under “Files” Menu. Step 3. Click “Backup” button. Step 4. Then click “Full backup” button. Step 5. Choose your preferred location where your ..
You can use a PHP info page to view the current PHP settings of the server. This file outputs a large amount of information, such as: PHP extensions such as exec,allow_url_open, Current PHP version of the server PHP environment Here’s the steps to create PHP info Page: Step 1. To login to your cpanel account ..
Cron job is a time-based scheduler that allows you to automate scripts or certain commands on your site at a specific time every day, week, etc. For example, you could set a cron job to delete temporary files every week to free up disk space or to send out email reports. Set up cron job in cPanel Here are ..
Bandwidth is the amount of data that are sent in a specific period of time. This article will show you how to find your bandwidth data for your website, emails and FTP. Step 1. Log in to the cPanel. Step 2. Click on Bandwidth under Metrics. Step 3. In the Bandwidth page, you will see the ..
By following the below steps you’ll be able to simply transfer your Hosting Account from one web hosting provider to another and you’ll not face one minute downtime:- Before canceling your recent web hosting account or server you must order a hosting package with a new hosting provider. Once your new hosting account is the setup you will need to download your entire old web site through a cPanel or FTP program backup utility on ..
Want to increase your memory limit in PHP? Follow these steps to get started. Login to your cPanel , type Select PHP Version into the Search Bar along the top of the page, and click the Select PHP Version option. In the PHP Selector overview, ensure that the PHP version is not Native (5.6) It is not possible to change the PHP memory ..