How to setup my email account on iPhone?

  Email & Database

You can set up your email account on iPhone by following the instructions below.

Here’s the complete instructions on how to set up an email account with iPhone iOS 11.

Step 1. Go to Settings on your iPhone.


Step 2. Tap Accounts & Passwords.

Step 3. Select Add Account.

Step 4. Select Other.

Step 5. Tap Add Mail Account

Step 6. Enter the following information:

Name: The desired name for the account
Email: Your email address
Password: Your email password
Description: Display name in the iPhone email accounts list

Name: Samrat Dahal
Email: [email protected]
Password: MyEmailPassword
Description: WebHostNepal

Step 7. Tap Next & Select from IMAP or POP.

Note: In my case I am using IMAP to get access to my email.

Step 8. Fill in the INCOMING and OUTGOING MAIL SERVER then tap Next.

Host Name: (you need to replace with your actual domain name)
User Name: Your email address
Password: your email password

(Note: Information provided in the screenshots are only examples. Make sure to enter the correct details of your mail servers.)

Step 9. Verification will take place. After the verification process, make sure Mail is enabled then tap Save.

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.